
Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room, this site is not a bestiality site and you are not about to see the most fucked up porn video ever involving the animal that remembers everything. However, Elephant Tube does have some pretty great videos that you are going to want to check out, if you weren’t too overly disappointed when you learned that this site had nothing to do with zoo animals!
What I Love
The first thing that I love about this site is that they have a huge selection of videos. When I first go to a site the first thing that I do is count how many videos that they have in each category. With this site I wasn’t able to do that, they simply have way too many videos for me to count, and they don’t outright tell you the number of videos that they have on their site.
The second thing that I love is that they have a lot of varying topics that they cover. It doesn’t matter what your kink is (unless it’s zoo animals), they probably have it somewhere on their site. I love it when a site has a wide range of videos, or rather when they have a wide range of niches that they cover. I have a lot of different fetishes, and that means having to hop all over the internet just to find my kind of videos.
Final Thoughts
Elephant Tube is a great site to go to if you have a specific fetish and find it hard to find a lot of videos with that fetish in them. There are LOTS and LOTS of videos on this site, and a lot of them are good in the quality department. However, none of the videos are actually on this site (the videos are links that take you to the actual video on a different site). All in all, even with the downfalls, I think that this site is certainly worth checking out.

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