
Porn Titan
Porn Titan seems like a pretty decent site to go with when looking for porn, especially when you add everything together. When you first go onto the site you might be a little taken aback by the blandness of the site design, but don’t let that fool you. The site is full of great content just waiting to be discovered. My favorite part of the site so far has to be the cute animation at the top of the page though (it shows a buff looking guy with a girl on each arm).
What I Love
The first thing that I love about Porn Titan is that there are more than 1,000 videos on the site. If you are looking for a place to get your whack on (or rather off), this is certainly the place to go if you are looking for quantity, especially when you factor in the free aspect of the site. Oh, did I forget to mention that? Yes, this site will not make you pay for anything and that means that you won’t even have to worry about any strangness going on with your credit card statements.
The second thing that I love is that there is HD content. When I am looking for a site to have some fun with I am almost always going to check first to make sure that they have some HD movies. If a site these days doesn’t have any high-quality content it might as well be a no-go site for the rest of its days. Isn’t it funny how we have all of a sudden started caring more about the quality of the picture rather than the quality of the acting? Don’t worry though, almost all of these scenes feature great acting as well.
The third thing that I love about this site is that it is super easy to navigate. The site design here is super simple, and often times that actually means that it is way easier to figure out how to navigate a site. With this site there are a lot of categories and a basic search bar. Also, members will be able to search by the length of videos, the amount of views, the rating, how popular a scene is, and how recent it is.
What I Don’t Love
The first thing that I don’t love about Porn Titan is that the site is not the host site. If you are going to make a sex scene site you might want to consider at least having some of the porn hosted on you site. However, that is just not the case with this one. All of their content is hosted on other sites. So, even though the site really does have free videos, you are technically watching them on a different site.
The second thing that I don’t love about this site is that the content is a little bit short on here. Even though there are longer videos, most of the content is on average 10 minutes long. This makes for some pretty short whacking sessions, unfortunately.
Final Thoughts
Porn Titan is certainly a site worth seeing for yourself. They have a lot of great features, like having over 1,000 movies and housing a good amount of HD content. Their site is also super easy to navigate. However, there are some flaws with the site like it not being the host site and having some pretty short porn movies. All in all, even with the lack of length (no pun intended), this site is pretty great.

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