
Eroxia is a free porn tube site focusing on amateur porn. The site updates daily with supposedly homemade videos. The site is free to access and watch, and is sponsored by the ads that will pop up underneath your current browsing window like deranged hobbits waiting to pounce on Smeogle and steal his precious. Make sure you keep your hands wrapped tightly around your precious, that’s my advice.
Eroxia has quite a large selection of amateur porn videos, all slated as 100% homemade. They do have an amateur feel to them, most of the time. Every video is amateur, so that’s really your thing and you don’t want to see anything that looks even remotely professional, then you may like Eroxia.
What makes me believe that these are all truly amateur is the fact that you can upload your own videos to the site. This not only lends to the authenticity of the site’s amateur branding, but it also helps there library grow larger every day.
The site makes navigation easy, which is great because there is a lot of content to sift through.
For the most part, there aren’t many things that can be found wrong with Eroxia. All jokes about ad-sponsored free porn aside, the ads aren’t actually that bad. There aren’t any deranged hobbits hiding in ambush.
The video quality varies greatly, but, that is probably to be expected. For a site catoring to those who like amateur porn, that isn’t going to be a big deal. If the niche was different, like say, focusing on more professional content, then my opinion would be entirely different. However, for what it is is does a pretty good job.
Eroxia does a good job by taking a niche with low standards and creating a website with an approachable user interface and using it to fill that niche. It’s almost like they raise the bar for homemade XXX porn tube sites. The content varies mostly because of the users uploading the videos. Some of them seem like they are using some super old phone, something like the old Motorolla Razr from back in the day. Others seem like they went out and bought a camera specifically for their filming pleasures. They all seem thoroughly amateur however, which makes Eroxia seem entirely on point.

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