
If you have ever been to Pornhub or Red Tube, you have probably heard of YouPorn. All three of those sites were created by the same guys. The platform really is just like any other adult streaming service that you can sit down and stream from for free. This site was created to watch the sexiest models coming from all across the globe performing on cam. With this site you will find both professionals and amateurs trying hard to make themselves known with their kinky videos. So, let us go ahead and take a look at the good and bad of this site.
What I Love
The first thing that I love is that they have daily updates. There is nothing that I hate more than when a site doesn’t bother to update constantly. That is why it was so amazing to me that they update every day. Also, it seems pretty cool that they do so much updating being that they are a free to use site. You would think that they would have to have more time in between the updates, because there are other sites in the network that they have to update. Especially being that almost all of their videos are super great quality with amazing acting and beautiful models.
The second thing that I love is that there are thousands of videos to watch on this site. If you have ever been able to catch a scene or two from Pornhub you have probably noticed that there are LOADS of videos on there. Being that this site is just another part in that network, it is very easy to see why they have so many movies on it.
The third thing that I love is that the quality of the videos is very high on average. While I may love to watch free porn, I do realize that it is hard to come by any that is actually of good quality. So, you can imagine my surprise when I found out that this site was posting not only free sex scenes, but they were also posting ones that were higher in quality.
What I Don’t Love
The first thing that I don’t love is that there are lots of ads on the site. The ads may be how they make it so that you can watch for free, but I just want to watch for free and not have to deal with any pesky ads.
The second thing that I don’t love is that not all of the scenes on their site are in HD. Of course, that is to be expected being that all of the videos are free to watch. Also, the videos that are not in HD are still good looking and easy to watch.
Final Thoughts
YouPorn is a great site that offers users loads of porn that hits loads of fetishes for free. If you can handle some ads, you will probably fall in love pretty quickly with this site.

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